AfterCodecs Fast Exporter for Adobe CC (After Effects, Premiere Pro and Media Encoder)

AfterCodecs - v1.5.1
- Using ffkroma 4.1-84 and not using ffmpeg anymore, you can delete the old ffmpeg executable if you want
- All color shifts with ProRes codecs are fixed now, please update !
- H264 / H265 : 8 bpc / 10 bpc, TV Range / Full Range, YUV subsampling choice (4:2:0 / 4:2:2 / 4:4:4)
- H264 YouTube profile in .MP4 will render AAC audio now, please use .MOV that will generate WAVE audio so that Youtube has the best quality to re-encode after upload ;)
- PPro / AME : new audio layout to render all individual mono tracks separately, reimportable in Premiere Pro ! "All Channels" layout are now called : "All : One Multi-Channel Track", "All : Individuals Mono Tracks" and "All : Individuals Stereo Tracks" for more clarity
- AE : alpha channel interpretation (Straight or Premultiplied) and Matte color are now saved into files and work when reimporting into Adobe softwares
- New "Open target directory at the end of each render" checkbox in Settings tab (it won't open the folder multiple times if rendering multiple times in the same folder, it will only bring the Explorer / Finder window on the foreground)
- Hap codecs glitch bug fix
- Memory optimization for very long renders