BRAW Studio
BRAW Studio Blackmagic RAW Importer for Adobe CC (After Effects, Premiere Pro and Media Encoder)

BRAW Studio - v1.9.1
- Premiere Pro Panel :
- New Feature : a new button lets you correct the timecode of only the selected Clips in the Project Panel
- Fixed : now the Panel can be used on hundreds of BRAW Clips for big projects
- BRAW 1.7 :
- Support for Panasonic EVA1 + Canon EOS C300 Mark II Blackmagic RAW clips captured by Blackmagic Video Assist
- New Color Spaces (Gamuts) : "V-Gamut" and "Canon Cinema Gamut"
- New Gammas : "V-Log" and "Canon Log2"
- Important Note : When opening older projects, it will be impossible to select the new Gammas and Gamuts. If you need them, you should import your .BRAW again
- Crash fix