BRAW Studio
BRAW Studio Blackmagic RAW Importer for Adobe CC (After Effects, Premiere Pro and Media Encoder)

BRAW Studio - v2.7.2
- PrPro Panel :
- New Buttons "Select All in Project" and "Select All in Sequence" to select all .BRAW Clips respectively in the project or only inside the current sequence. This will help you do numerous batch tasks, such as updating / loading all sidecars files, generating all the Merged Clips info once (saved popup bug) and not later, initializing all the .BRAW clips Source Settings info in case you have lots of .BRAW and you want to avoid BRAW Studio Panel to initialize them later on etc.. Another practical use of this is to batch change Source Settings, for example now you are able to make exports with two different .BRAW color grade with only a few clicks, by storing the first color grade inside Custom A and the second Color Grade inside Custom B
- Prev And Next buttons are not disabled anymore when no clip is selected. They now select the first or last clip in the timeline in that case
- Fixed : a .BRAW setting changed during the processing of another setting change is now reverted in the UI while the first change is processed (happens especially when a lot of .BRAW files are selected and graded)
- Fixed errors with unicode filepaths
- BRAW 2.4 :
- Support for Leica SL2-S .BRAW clips captured by Blackmagic Video Assist
- New Gamma : "L-Log"