The Best Project Manager for Premiere Pro !

PlumePack - v1.2.6
- Fixed Important Bug: .mxf files trimmed with different start time had its Audio timeline Clip removed
- Improvements:
- Added a new Project Control final step in the PlumePack process: the process will take a bit more time to run, but it will be safer for the final project
- Keyframes are now supported for Media Trimming
- Clip Markers are now supported for Media Trimming
- PlumePack internal engine now natively supports Apple silicon (for example the M1 CPU). More info here
- Some effects are now excluded from trimming because they were involving bugs after replacement (media are copied instead):
- (Native) Timewarp
- (Native) Echo
- (Native) Posterize Time
- (Native) Pixel Motion Blur
- (3rd party Plugin) Twixtor
- Fixed:
- Error which could happen while Analyzing/Consolidating a project the first time
- Audio transition could be removed when an empty audio clip was removed because of the SlowMo Issue, the media is now excluded from trimming in this case