The Best Project Manager for Premiere Pro !

PlumePack - v2.0.0
- Lots of new features for PlumePack V2: Data Structure modes, Multicam trimming, Toolbox with new independent features and fast Project Analysis ! Send us your feedback here:
- Improvements:
- Project Analysis has been greatly optimized and can be up to 20 times faster, especially on big projects
- The Analysis in the PlumePack Panel UI is now updated at the end of the process, so it is the same to look at the report txt file or directly look at the PlumePack Panel UI
- AE Comp Dependencies are not copied multiple times if referenced in different AE Comps linked to the same project
- New Sequence Tree Structure in Analysis - Showing explicitly which sequences are taken into account under a 'Tree' display. You can also click on the timeline icon next to your timeline name to open it from there !
- New Folder Structure in Analysis - Showing explicitly how the final structure will be after the PlumePack process depending on the option used
- For the 'One File Per Timeline Clip' mode, one timeline clip which can not be trimmed does not exclude other clips from the same media to be trimmed anymore
- New option to disable the disk space available security, which can be useful if the script does not manage to get the real size (on some network spaces). This option is available from the "Settings and License" popup
- New ToolBox Tab with Independent Features:
- New Feature: Trim selected items - A quick tool to trim some selected timeline clips, import the trimmed files and replace the selected timeline clips automatically
- New Feature: UnMerge - Reverse the 'Merge Clip' process on your Project Items ! The clips in timeline from the original Merged Clips are linked to new Media Project Items automatically created. Can be applied on the whole project or just on selected Project Items
- New Feature: Rename Tape Name metadata using Filename - Modify all or a selection of Project Items 'Tape Name' metadata to match the filename. Useful for relinking Media when the filename changed, especially after a PlumePack process !
- New Feature: Add empty space (defined by a frame number option) before all selected clips or all clips in timeline
- New 'PlumePack It !' (Consolidation) Features:
- New option: 'Give each Media a Unique Filename': Make sure every copied or trimmed Media has a Unique Filename in the consolidated project (without extension), even if not in the same final folder.
- New option: 'Remove Unused parts of Nested Sequence': Clean unused part of nested sequences. If trimming is enabled and clips are used only partially, they are trimmed accordingly
- New option: 'Remove Unused parts of Multicam': Clean unused part of Multicam sequences. If trimming is enabled and clips are used only partially, they are trimmed accordingly
- New option: 'Data Structure Mode: Original Folder Structure on Disk': Organize your final media disk structure based on the original folder structure of your media
- New option: 'Data Structure Mode: Flat Data Structure': Put all the copied and trimmed media in the same folder
- New option: 'Cut Timeline Clip if needed for Disk Optimization': Export and cut a Media timeline clip used at different parts from a parent sequence into different parts. Especially useful when working with Multicam sequences !
- New option: 'Media Root SubFolder Name': Choose a custom Folder Name for the Media Root Folder located next to the new PlumePacked prproj file.
- New option: 'Place All Media into Root SubFolder': Create a Media Folder next to the new PlumePacked project and put every media inside
- New option: 'Filename - Use Project Panel Item Name': Use the Premiere Pro Project Panel Item name as filename for the new PlumePacked Media
- New option: 'Include Proxies': Copy and Replace Proxies of Media kept during the PlumePack process in a separate folder
- New workflow with Offline Clips:
- If a media has offline and online Project Items, the offline clips are ignored and not replaced during the PlumePack process. The online clips are trimmed and not excluded anymore from trimming
- The offline clips are not copied anymore by PlumePack, even if found on disk
- Offline Clips are removed from the new project like any other clips (depending on the Filter options and the Used state of the clips)
- Fixed:
- Explicit error on some projects
- Explicit error happening when trim/copy mode is 'One File Per Timeline Clip' and when option 'Remove Unused Items' is disabled
- Explicit error when an Image Sequence was used with the first image as Still Image and with the 'One File Per Timeline Clip' mode enabled