The Best Project Manager for Premiere Pro !

PlumePack - v2.1.0
- Main PlumePack New Features and improvements:
- New Media Process Mode: "No Process" to filter/clean your project without copying/trimming your media. You can also use it to filter/clean your project with PlumePack and then transcode with the native Project Manager
- New Copy Process Option: "Only Copy Proxies" so only Proxies and not main media should be copied (Advanced Copy Settings)
- Changed workflow with Offline clips: if Main media is offline but Proxy is present + Media Process is Copy + "Include Proxies" is used, then the proxies are copied instead of ignored. Especially useful when an editor works only with proxies and PlumePack its project before transferring it.
- New Toolbox Feature:
- New Tool: "Reorder your Sequence Track" if you want to easily reorder your tracks in the current selected sequence !
- Fixed in PlumePack Process:
- Hidden Error: When trimming the same audio in multiple parts, some of the Timeline Clips could have their "Audio Gain" reset to 0
- Updated macOS minimum version from 10.14 (Mojave) to 11.0 (Big Sur)