The Best Project Manager for Premiere Pro !

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Main Features
Collect & Copy (FREE)
- Get rid of the bugs from the native PrPro Project Manager !
- Organize final folder structure from Premiere Pro bins structure
- Select only one sequence to consolidate. Nested subsequences will be kept !

Lossless Trim & Toolbox (PREMIUM)
- Supports ProRes, .BRAW, .R3D, H.264, Image Sequences and more !
- Trim files based by removing unused frames according to your edits, with a handle option for flexible re-editing
- No re-encoding : keep the same codec & exact quality than your source !
- Access extra tools with our Toolbox Tab : Reorder your Tracks, UnMerge your Merged Clips and more !

Improve your workflow
- Your PrPro projects will be faster to transfer to your colleagues and clients
- Save disk space for backups and projects archiving
- Clean your project and keep your media organized
- Continue editing your other projects while consolidating