
The Best Project Manager for Premiere Pro !


Comparison with the Premiere Pro Project Manager

The Project Manager fails to consolidate my project, giving me a Unknown Error as a result ... Can PlumePack help me ?

Yes totally ! The native Project Manager and PlumePack are independent, and PlumePack is far more stable than the native solution. If you just need to copy your files, the PlumePack FREE version could be enough for your needs !
Note that PlumePack can't transcode your media. If you need to save some disk space, consider buying a PlumePack Premium license and trim your files without re-encoding !
Full comparison with the Project Manager in this article.
If you still want to use the Project Manager (maybe because Transcoding is important for your workflow), here are the following advices to make it work :

  • Uncheck "Include Audio Conform Files"
  • Uncheck "Include Preview Files"
  • Delete all your proxies
  • Check if you have special characters in your video/photo/work files naming like "+", "#", "$", ...
  • Delete Adobe Premiere Pro Cache
  • Uncheck "Exclude Unused Clips"

Go back to PlumePack User Guide / FAQ with all others answers